Our Daily Kerfuffle

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Beautiful Slovenia!!/ Hermosa Slovenia!!

So....we went for a few days to Slovenia, you are seeing pictures of Granska Gora, a great place for skiing, of course we couldn't be there without trying (at least me ) since Jesse is a good skier. Later on I'll be sharing pictures of my first lesson. We stayed there for the weekend with Tina & Matthias, Isha and Tina. Lovely place in lovely company. We spend our afternoons going up and down the mountain. On my second day of learning Jesse invited me to go to the top of the Hill, I went there with Matthias and both Tinas. First going down was almost perfect, second one and third one.....I can tell you how tasty the snow in Slovenia is. I fall so many times and eat so much snow that I was hydrated for the whole weekend!

We also ate delicious cakes and had amazing coffee. mmmmm...I can taste it!

Asi que...fuimos 4 dias a Slovenia, estan viendo fotos de Granska Gora, un centro de ski muy cheto. No podiamos ir y no esquiar asi que tuve mi primer leccion de ski con Matias y despues a esquiar!, solo me tomo un par de horas agarrarle la mano...al ski...no a Matias! Pasamos el finde con Las dos Tinas, Isha y Matias.Nos pasamos las tardes subiendo y bajando las montaƱas. Jesse me llevo al pico y nos largamos desde ahi, fuimos en banda. La primer bajada la domine, la segunda y latardera fueron un desastre. Comi nieve a lo loco, fue como tomar dos litros de agua. Lo buenoes que mi piel se mantuvo jovial durante el finde.


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