Our Daily Kerfuffle

Monday, May 07, 2007

Kristina & Mehran

The O.C. guys arrived after being in Chicago and they were ready to taste Goulash and all sort of Culinary thing from here. But we offered them mostly cheese that Shahar & Dana brought....we still have! we went walking and sightseeing the city. Mehran started to prepare and study the script for his short film about Vampires and Kristina was studying the pipe system in the bathroom and she was punished. We were all ready to go to Bran castle in Transylvania.....most famous as Dracula's castle.....ahahahahhaah////Los chicos de OC salieron de LA y fueron para Chicago y luego aca. Estaban cansados pero con ganas de probar el Goulash y toda comida hungara. Desafortunadamanete les dimos queso, casi todos los dias, ya que teniamos de sobra, todo lo que habia traido Shahar y todavia tenemos!. Mehran prepara su pelicula, el guion y todo eso y Kristina estudiaba el sistema de cañerias en el baño y fue castigada. (se le callo la ducha en la nariz y la lastimo)


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