Our Daily Kerfuffle

Friday, October 27, 2006


So we went to Germany again, we went for a huge party that friends from NY organized there. It was fun and we had a great time, we saw Mike there!!...how random is that?. We met with Sam and Gunther, of course, and we went to Krausberg and other hoods. We met very interesting people, yes...Sam gave us a tour form his commute bus and it was great!, we catch up with sushi, right, Jess? and Jesse read the whole Butt magazine at the Taschen Store, yes jess, you love camp literature./// Volvimos a Berlin, fuimos a una fiesta que amigos de NY organizaron. Estuvimos con Gunther y Sam, por supuesto. En la fiesta , nos encontramos con MIke, un amigo de NY, que loco!...comimos Sushi, Jesse se puso al dia con sushi y con la revista Butt en el local de Taschen, como le gustan la literatura trashy!


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