Our Daily Kerfuffle

Monday, June 19, 2006

Potluck at the Goolivas/ Fiesta a la canasta!

Our mission: try different dishes from other countries at one place, Home!...so we invited friends to come over and bring their traditional or...welll...whatever they can cook from their own countries...so we had Hungarian, American, French,German, Serbian , Argentinean & Scottish (Duncan represented it with his presence). They all tasted really good but there was one that was highly commented...it was the Serbian one, well done Lidia! adn thank you all for cooking delicious meals. Spain was absent...Eduardo!....next time / Nuestra mision: comer diferentes platos de distintos paises en casa!..asi que organizamos una fiesta y cada uno debia traer comida de sus respectivos paises, entonces comimos platos de Hungria, Estados unidos, Alemania, Francia, Serbia, Argentina (representada con un guisito palido)y Escocesa (represntada por nuestro perro Duncan...desgustando los platos, como saben, el es escocés). Lamentablemente España no pudo asisitir, para la proxima.


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