Our Daily Kerfuffle

Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Austria!...we went there before Prague and spent the day. We went with Celeste , Mimi & Jerry, we have some nice lunch and we went to a butterfly conservatory. A funny fact is that they were from South America, exotic...uh?!...we grew up with those butterflies damn it!!... Celeste and I were laughing since we saw those bugs every morning of our lives. We tried to get to Mozart's grave but we couldn't find it.We also met with Ferenc and Co.****Me olvide completamente de que fuimos a Austria. Estuvimos con Celeste, que se reunio con sus superfriends. Almorzamos en un lugar italiano, vimos el museo de Sisi la emperatriz....desde afuera, y fuimos a ver mariposas exoticas. Las mariposas resultaron ser se sudamerica, de argentina as que nada, y nos reimos con la cele ya que son las que estan el el techo o en el patio de la casa, estabamos re calientes porque no nos dieron descuento estudiante. Mariposonas.!!!! Nos matamos tratando de encontrar la tumba de mozart, pero no la encontramos, hacia mucho calor!!


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