Our Daily Kerfuffle

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Victor Victoria & Denise

Vic and Denise came from NY, we had a real kerfuffle since we had celeste and Sara and we were all rotating form bed to bed,coach to mattresses, Duncan was asking: - dude, what's going on here?!....well...we saw the Argentina vs germany match together and then we went to eat and we ended up having a beer in one of our favorite beerhouses. Vic and Denise will get married soon so buena suerte!

Vic and Denise vinieron desde NY, tuvimos un quilombo con las camas, sofas, ibamos rotando de colchon al sofa y del sofa a la cama, nos encontramos con que celeste , Sara y ellos estaban en casa!, la pasamos re lindo, fuimos ver el partido de Argentina vs Alemania juntos y vimos como nos derrotaron,bueno...con suerte. Denise y Victor se casan pronto asi que Good Luck!!

Sara in Budapest

Sarita made her way from NYC and she's with us. Budapest needed some Punk/tattoed artists to shake up their asses off a little bit. We went to a crazy flea market next to the keleti Pu and it's a Kerfuffle for Sara to get veggie food ...sometimes!

Sarita llego desde NY, nos hacia falta un poco de punk con tattoos, a ver s les mueven las cahcas a los hungaros. Fuimos a un mercado de pulgas re loco al lado de la estacion Keleti. A sara le cuetsa enontrar lugares vegetarianos, porque no conoce mucho al ciudad, pero los hay!

Little Light Blue in Budapest / Celestita en Budapest

Celeste finally arrived. She left her beautiful town called Vera and made her way to buenos Aires, made some stop in Barcelona and now she is in Hungary. She travels between Siofok and Budapest with us or by train. She is following us, first NYC and now Budapest!..can't believe it. We studied Advertisement together and we have a lots of mates together. We saw our country loose vs Germany in the world cup but we are happy anyways! though she almost die when she tried a stinky cheese (brie) that was delicious by the way/ la Cele llego!, por fin! dejo su Vera natal por un tiempo y ahora esta aca tomando unos mates conmigo, que talco? La cele viaja entre Siofok (un pueblito) y Budapest. Cuando viviamos en NY tambien nos fue a visitar. Hemos tomado unos cuantos mates y nos estamos poniendo al dia con chusmerios.No puedo creer que este aca!, sufrimos el partido de argentina Vs Alemania , ahi es cuando probo el queso brie por primera vez creo y casi se muere!!, pronto visitaremos Austria juntos. Besos, Bienvenida Cele!!!