Our Daily Kerfuffle

Monday, June 19, 2006

Goolivas in Slovakia/ Los goolivas en Eslovakia

We went to Slovakia for teh weekend and we took Duncan with us. It was our first trip in our new car. It was fun. Sasa show us one of her favorite restaurants and parts of her city. Duncan was looking for Barbara all the time, specially in the castle, we explained that she lived in another city, not in Bratislava. Fantastic city, great food and warm company... from finding a brussels Groomer to having lunch with Hare Krishnas, what else can you ask for? / fuimos a Eslovakia este finde. La pasamos barbaro. Es nuestro primer viaje juntos, Jesse y Duncan el el auto nuevo. Comimos platos deliciosos y recorrimos la ciudad, el castillo y hasta comimos con los hare krishna.

Potluck at the Goolivas/ Fiesta a la canasta!

Our mission: try different dishes from other countries at one place, Home!...so we invited friends to come over and bring their traditional or...welll...whatever they can cook from their own countries...so we had Hungarian, American, French,German, Serbian , Argentinean & Scottish (Duncan represented it with his presence). They all tasted really good but there was one that was highly commented...it was the Serbian one, well done Lidia! adn thank you all for cooking delicious meals. Spain was absent...Eduardo!....next time / Nuestra mision: comer diferentes platos de distintos paises en casa!..asi que organizamos una fiesta y cada uno debia traer comida de sus respectivos paises, entonces comimos platos de Hungria, Estados unidos, Alemania, Francia, Serbia, Argentina (representada con un guisito palido)y Escocesa (represntada por nuestro perro Duncan...desgustando los platos, como saben, el es escocés). Lamentablemente España no pudo asisitir, para la proxima.

Sam, Günther & Greg visit the Goolivas/ Sam, Gunther & Greg nos visitan

Sam & Günther left the Capital of World Cup 2006 and came to Budapest to visit for a couple of days. They managed to go to almost every bath in the city and cook delicious german sausages.Thay also interact with a chicken. Greg came from NYC and stayed with us as well. Went to bierhauses and meet our french friends. Took us for dinner to celebrate his pre- birthday and what can I say....he's fantastic!. Happy Birthday Greg!!! / Sam & gunther dejaron la capital del Mundial de futbol 2006 y legaron a Budapest, vivnieron por unos dias y recorrimos casi todos los baños termales. Junto a huesos de pollo, por supuesto. Esa semana llego Greg tambien, desde New York, festejamos su cumple en una pizzeria italiana. La pasamos bombaaaa. Feliz cumple Greg!!

Friday, June 09, 2006

Chicken Run to Budapest

Chicken Bones is in Budapest!!!!! He arrived safely in Ferieghy Airport and there's no reports of Bird flu. Though he hates dogs, he managed to take Duncan for a walk and our little baby returned its appreciation by making a stinky & huge poopoo. We are going to the baths almost everyday and he's dealing with my pain & bitchyness( my wisdom tooth was removed!). Everything seems WOOOOONDERFUUUUUUL!!

Huesos de pollo llego a Budapest. Llego bien, sin la gripe aviar...por suerte. No le gustan los perros para nada, pero saco a Duncan a dar un paseo y Duncan le demostro su cariño con una cagada horrorosa. ( "-los perros saben...", diria mi abuela). vamos a las termas casi todos los dias. Le encanta y se esta divirtiendo mucho a pesar de que me esta soportando un poquito (me sacaron la muela de juicio y estoy bastante perrito), en fin, todo es Maravilllosooooooooo!!

Move over David Hasselhof!!/ El Auto Fantastico

Knight Rider is trembling man....Jesse G is riding the streets of Budapest with abandoned fear. We have the car!!...we love it. We took our first passenger (Mr. Duncan) with his appropiate seat belt and went for a hell of a ride. So we end up in "La Petite Francaise" and Olivia & Cédric watched Jesse's maneurves.

It was exciting and still is, discover Budapest, Hungary.....Europe with a car!...ok...and go to work!

Finalemente llego, no es el auto fantastico pero casi. Nuestro primer pasajero fue Duncan, lo llevamos a dar una vuelta y a visitar el local de Oliva y Cédric "La petite Francaise". Los chicos vieron como Jesse estacionaba el auto con su instinto de sobreviviente. vamsoa viajar a lo loco, por todas partes!! y tambien vamos a venir al laburo, que le vamo a hacer, vistes!!