Our Daily Kerfuffle

Friday, March 31, 2006

Budapest wouldn't be sweet without him

Directly from Williamsburg Sweet Carter made his way to Budapest and spend quality time with us. Not to mention that he went to the US ambassador home to have brunch and run back at our home to taste our brunch........We all went to the Eccseri Flea Market that day. I have to tell you....he left us speechless when he ordered his dish in hungarian, dry our dishes after brunch, went to a store to buy cigarretes like a regular...and the list goes on and on.

What can we say?? we loved his company and the awsome 2 in one play that he is part of. We love you Carter!!!...and I'm still checking for your I pod!!

Monday, March 27, 2006

Sandi & Edith go on a Holiday

Budapest will never be the same post the S&E visit. The girrrls arrived Friday afternoon and we spent our first hours walking along the Danube. Then we had snacks at Max and my favorite Hungarian restaurant, dinner in a pub, and dessert at Menza... where S&E had to order Unicom, the most popular and nasty local liquor..tastes like Jagermeizer (don't remember how to spell that one..) and what else, we really packed it in and they are still here, wandering about town, getting into trouble, while we are busy at work. They really did get into trouble as Edith just called to tell me they were fined on the tram for not having a ticket, but back to the memories.... Saturday morning we went to Esceri flea market... the transit museum with the strangest mannequins ever, Saturday night brought S&E to a crashing halt in the earlier evening, as Max and I went to a play... They revived however in time to join for dinner at Fat Mo's where we celebrated life with two bottles of local wine.. Then off to Capella's, a strange club, but as they say, one of the only shows in town... That part of the evening gets a little fuzzy, it is best to move on.. Sunday brought the Rudas bath.. where we played a wet game of dominos..... a walk to the Castle district in Buda and the coolest tourist attraction ever, an underground Labyrinth.. our only light was a lantern.. E&S will have to explain...then more walking and more walking in the light rain and to continue with the Turkish theme, a Turkish dinner was in order and then I crashed.. hard... So, it is Monday and we still get the girls for one more night... It has been a whirlwind of pleasure.. Oh and the Funicular.. In NYC, the back of the Taxi can be a sacred place... in Budapest, it is the Funicular...

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Capital of Slovenia: LJUBLJANA

Ljubljana became one of my favorite cities in the world. Amazing little streets and secret passways...well..."secret" for Jesse and I.... small shops... cozy restaurants and bars.....and It's very chic! Our first meal there was Mexican food!!....we were starving for mexican!....funny...:)

Ljubljana es la capital de Slovenia y se ha convertido en una de mis ciudades favoritas en el mundo!,se pronuncia asi: lubliana. Las calles son re chiquitas, llena de adoquines, cafecitos en todas partes, algunos bares re lindos y es re elegante! Nuestra primer comida fue mejicana, hacia rato que no la comiamos asi que ni bien vi un lugar mejicano nos metimos de cabeza!, igualemente el restaurante era re chic. La gente es copada y la mayoria es bilingue, goood!!

Beautiful Slovenia!!/ Hermosa Slovenia!!

So....we went for a few days to Slovenia, you are seeing pictures of Granska Gora, a great place for skiing, of course we couldn't be there without trying (at least me ) since Jesse is a good skier. Later on I'll be sharing pictures of my first lesson. We stayed there for the weekend with Tina & Matthias, Isha and Tina. Lovely place in lovely company. We spend our afternoons going up and down the mountain. On my second day of learning Jesse invited me to go to the top of the Hill, I went there with Matthias and both Tinas. First going down was almost perfect, second one and third one.....I can tell you how tasty the snow in Slovenia is. I fall so many times and eat so much snow that I was hydrated for the whole weekend!

We also ate delicious cakes and had amazing coffee. mmmmm...I can taste it!

Asi que...fuimos 4 dias a Slovenia, estan viendo fotos de Granska Gora, un centro de ski muy cheto. No podiamos ir y no esquiar asi que tuve mi primer leccion de ski con Matias y despues a esquiar!, solo me tomo un par de horas agarrarle la mano...al ski...no a Matias! Pasamos el finde con Las dos Tinas, Isha y Matias.Nos pasamos las tardes subiendo y bajando las montañas. Jesse me llevo al pico y nos largamos desde ahi, fuimos en banda. La primer bajada la domine, la segunda y latardera fueron un desastre. Comi nieve a lo loco, fue como tomar dos litros de agua. Lo buenoes que mi piel se mantuvo jovial durante el finde.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Snowstorm?....mmmm..naaaa/ tormenta de nieve.....ni a palos

Yesterday we have snow....again, but this time it was quite a good amount. I took the pics on the corner of our new apartement. After we went to Buda side ( you can see Jesse on the tram) and went for a nice relaxing bath at Rudas baths in company of Eugeni, a catalan guy that we found on the streets asking for some English classes. Ha!, he's Toni's man and we have fun with him, he just stayed for two days, short time Eugeni!! Let me tell you that all this was sponsored by Juan & Carlos.

Ayer tuvimos nieve , otra vez!, pero esta vez hubo mas que las anteriores. Saque fotos en la esquina de casa y tambien al otro lado del Danubio ( es la que Jesse esta en el trencito o tram) yendo a los baños Rudas. nada coo llegar a una pileta con aguas termales en un dia tan frio. Nos encontramos con eugeni, catalan el,estubo de visita por dos dias, jamas entedimos a que vino, pero bue... novio de Toni hombre!, joliness!!! Esto ha sido presentado gracias a la colaboracion de Juan & Carlos

New Apartment!!/ Departamento permanente, por fin!

Finally, we moved again and now we are in this quiet and cozy apartment. It's located in the V district on Bathory Utca two blocks from the Parliament. We love it! My favorite part is the kitchen and Jesse's is the bathroom (you can figure why he loves it) Duncan's favorite part is the couch.

I'm not sure if Bathory Street is named after Elizabeth Bathory (in the picture...yes...that's her ...and not me in my usual Sunday morning church outfit). She is Hungary's infamous Blood countess. She killed over 600 women, she preferred virgins and she used to torture them and loved to experiment rituals like bath in their blood to preserve her beauty, it seems she was bisexual.... (That makes sense...., right?) Check bloody mary at www.bathory.org

Bueno, nos hemos mudado nuevamente y ya es nuestro depto definitivo al menos por un año. Encontramos este departamento a dos cuadras del parlamento y estoy comiendo pimiento. chiste....jaa, ok sigo...Obviamente me gusta la cocina donde hare manjares paranaenses ( pan con manteca) y Jesse adora el baño, saben por que....pista....bañera...mmmmm... vivimos en la calle Bathory, que creo esta nombrada despues de esta vampiresa llamada elizabeth bathory. esta mujer mato a mas de 600 mujeres, se bañaba en la sangre de ellas para conservar su belleza. fue juzgada y condenada a muerte, nacio en 1560 creo y fue una de las inspiraciones para Dracula. Esta por salir una opera, pueden hacer un google de ella y veran info en castellano. era tremenda. Mataba a mujeres virgenes, escpecialemente campesinas inocentes, en la website dice que era bisexual. Bueno, ahi esta la foto de ella, Jesse y la cocina, los dejo, me voy a tomar un bloody mary...chiste chiste, zas!