Our Daily Kerfuffle

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Bye Bye temporary Flat/ Chau Chau depto temporario!

Para español siga bajando por favor, muchas gracias...Bu Bu!!!

Hola! so ....we are moving...again! in three days or so..., we found this amazing apartment around this square called SZABADSAG (which I think.... it means BLT sandwich). We were told that several scenes of Munich (spielberg latest movie) was shot there, so you can imagine....the new yorker & the nuyoargentinean said: WE'LL TAKE IT!!, we can't be out of the loop of this magical scenery, natural stage for talented actors surrounded by abandoned greens and obscene architecture. Few blocks from the parliament and Danube, I bet this will be our headquarters for a while.

the pics belong to our temporary apartment, in the 8th district. This arrondissement is like a stew made of people... colliding to go to work or just passing by....but most of them are here to have some rejoice at the old yellow church ....silent witness of our great adventure....yes.....no......no.....don't...don't......don't speak!!!

Love you all,

Max Sinclair

jelou!!...nos mudamos...otra vez! hemos encontrado este departamento a dos cuadras del Parlamento y del rio Danubio. La plaza se llama SZABADSAG y sera el nuevo baño publico de Duncan, podra hacer popo ahi. el agente que nos mostro el depto nos dijo que habian filmado varias escenas de la pelicula Munich y como veran, un Nyorker y uno medio y medio lo tomaron enseguida, es muy dificil decirle no al glamour del estrellato y la fama. El barrio es muy lindo, muchos edificios antiquismos y muy paquete, dudamos un poco en tomarlo, pero viendo otros barrios era sin duda nuestra mejor opcion. las fotos de este aviso son de nustro departamento actual, lo dejaremos en dos o tres dias. las viejas van a la iglesia religiosamente, yo las miro con Duncan mientras tomo mate, estamos en el anteultimo piso. Y nieva....llueve...nieva....llueve. Por suerte pasara pronto. Les mando un beso!


Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Sushi's Reunion

Chico's name is actually Sushi and a pomeranian (not Shiitzu). The same evening after we posted his picture on a Budapest website for lost dogs, we received a call from the owner. His picture was recognized by a vet who then notified the owner. It is unbelievable, but Sushi has been missing for over 2 months (since he was 8 months old). He was apparently stolen out of the owners garden. Even more amazingly, we found him far from his home, in the 8th district (his home is in the 10th district). Another jaw dropping twist, when we found 'Chico/Sushi', Max and I (and our friend, Dora) were joking around about what to call him. At the moment we were starving and Max actually suggested we call him Sushi-Shittzu. Strange.... Ducan and Sushi spent their last day together on Monday. The owner came at 6:00 PM. It was a wonderful reunion; the owner was stunned and holding back tears. She said, "he smells like Sushi, he sneezes like sushi". Her excitement was overwhelming.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Finding Chico

What a day, The first beautiful day in three weeks (sunny, spring-like, and somewhat warm). Last week we discovered what appears to be the only dog run in Budapest, so we took Duncan this morning. When we arrived there was a small, cute Shihtzu 'we are calling him CHICO' running around and he and Duncan started playing with one another. The strange thing is there was no owner to be found. We stayed for over an hour and nobody came for him. We thought maybe this was a local custom (like leave the dog in the dog run while you go shopping), but still even that concept seemed very strange. We left the dog run to search for the owner and chico followed us, leaving the dog run through a small hole. We met a few other dog owners and none of them recognized chico and we could infer that they too thought it was very strange that he was alone. So, we had no choice, but to take him home with us. We have contacted a lost & found for dogs. Tomorrow I will be placing signs around town with his picture and take him to the vet. This evening I took Chico for a walk and let him lead to see if he would take me to his home, no such luck, though I discovered a great second hand shop. Duncan & Chico are getting along, but I am worried. His parents must be freaking out. I am confident we will find them, somehow. I will keep you posted. And, it was only 3 days ago that Max said, "I wish Duncan had a friend here, he must be so lonely when we are at work".

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Esceri Flea Market

Our friend Peter Nevins has joined us in Budapest from Prague. He is our first visitor!!! This morning we went to the budda momma of all flea markets. We made our first bargain and purchased two new friends (cute toys... I think from the 60's) for 2,000 Forint (approx ten bucks). Duncan is scared to death of these little guys. The market is filled with communist era trinkets, pocket watches, old signs, and toys.

Nuestro amigo Peter Nevins es nuestra primer visita!! dos dias depsues de que nos mudamos el aterrizo en Praga y esta viviendo ahi por un tiempo. Hoy por la mañana fuimos al mercado de pulgas mas grande de Budapest, se llama ECSERI.Hicimos nuestra primer regateada y compramos dos muñecas rusas o alemanas de los 60. Les pegas y se hamacan, cuando se hamacan tiene musica. en vez de pagar 30 dolares pagamos 10, una baratija! ehhhhhhhh. El mercado esta lleno de articulos comunistas, miles de cosas de Lenin y camiones con soldados alemanes de juquete, muchisima propaganda de la 1era y 2da guerra mundial. Ir al mercado fue como viajar en el tiempo, increible! duncan les tiene terror. Las odia, ni bine las vio salio disparando, ahora se acerca y las gruñe. las fotos son del subte, cuando volviamos.Besotes.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Goulash Greetings!!! / Mates con Goulash

We have jumped on the blog bandwagon. Ok, so we are 14+ days in Budapest and not speaking a word of Hungarian, except Kosanem, meaning... thank you. So we are saying Kosanem for everything whether it is appropriate or not. We gotta a learn a few more words. So, here is a picture of Mr. D on one of our many walks during our first week. The picture was taken near Margaret Bridge, which connects Pest to Buda (over the Danube). Even more importantly, we were standing near a body shop called Lush, where I bought the best bubble bath EVER.

Hola!, entonces....creamos este blog para poder actualizar a los descamisados sobre nuestras aventuras en Europa del Este. Se que empezamos por Budapest pero con Jesse nucna se sabe, tal vez terminemos en Tokio o en algun lugar remoto. (que no es lo mismo que maremoto, ojito). Hace 14 dias llegamos a esta cuidad (Budapest) y esta foto la sacamos en una de las principales avenidas ( Szent Istvan Korut) o Avenida San Esteban (Leandro se va a reir con esto...yeah...karma). Duncan esta sentadito espearando que Jesse termine de comprar jabon para la bañera. esto es a una cuadra del puente Margaret, uno de los puentes que conecta Buda de Pest, estamos en el lado de Pest (mas movida y es mas cool). Duncan mira el TRAM siempre (el tren que va por la calle) cuando camina se detiene a mirarlo, tal vez piensa que es un perro robot gigante!