Our Daily Kerfuffle

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Madonna at Wembley

All this kerfuffle for Madge, we got into Wembley, picked up our tickets and saw one of the best shows ever! Madonna was amazing , danced and sang perfectly and talked about how fucked up the world is right now. We left the Arena so satisfied!*****la verdad que fue un quilombo llegar pero valio la pena. el recital estuvo barabaro, creo que lejos, uno d elos mejores. madonna bailo, canto y hasta hablo de cuan jodido esta el mundo hoy en dia (refiriendose al terrorismo y a la politica de USA). Dejamos el Wembley arena para tomar el subte, con un poster y felices!!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

London- Londres- Madonna !!!!!

We did it!!!!!, after a day an a half traveling and suffering if we were going to made it, we did it. I was sos happy to be in London and knowing that we were only one day away from Madonna's concert at Wembley. We stayed at Alex. we met Sam and Steve. we spend time with K! They were all very sweet and very kind to us. Jesse showed me London, I had my first english breakfast, firt ride on the "tube" and the doublebuses. We walked a lot, Picadilly Circus, Buckingham Palace, Chinatown and Mr. Big Ben. e had pub food (excelent!) with Bryony and Ed.And of course what was the best that London offered to me? Madonna!!!...the show was amazing and worth going thru all that and I'll do it 10 times if I have to ( I don't know if Jesse would do it)...mmmmm...test of love....I'm sure he will.On our way back, airport security took all our toilettries, gels, toothpaste and creams for the face. We look like cavemen today.****Lo hicimos...llegamos, despues de dia y medio de estar viajando, llegamos a Londres. Paramos con Alex, conocimos a Sam y a Steve. Jesse me mostro Londres, tuve mi primer paseo en subte(tubo), en colectivo doble piso, fuimos al palacio de Buckingham, a la calle Picadilly Circus, Chinatown y al Big Ben, caminamos un monton por el rio Tames. Comimos comida de Pub, re rica, con Bryony y Ed. Lo mejor de Londres? Madonna en Wembley!, el recital estuvo espectacular, bailamos por dos horas sin parar. Madonna esta mejor que nunca. A la vuelta , el de seguridad del aeropuerto nos quito las cremas para la cara, el dentifrico, el gel para el pelo, desodorante y perfumes. Hoy vinioms a trabajar y parecemos cavernicolas.

Our way to London/ Camino a Londres

The day that we are leaving to London the stupid terrorists chose to blow up few planes...how fucked up is that? our flight to London was cancelled, after difficult moments at airport (no flights to London) we changed our tickets to Brussels. Tried to make a bus to London in the bus station once we got there after a 40 minutes of a taxi ride under the rain with a lovely english couple, Karen & Nathan.Bus?...full of damn boy scouts. Full for next day too. Traveled again to railway station, we got tickets in Eurostar to London for next morning. We hang out in different bars with our new friends from England and got drunk, ate cheap pizza and raviolis. We stayed awake all night and slept in the staion for 40 minutes and got into the train at 7 am...London on its way....*****El dia que viajamos a Londres los malditos terroristas quisieron explotar algunos aviones, que jodidos..che!, nuestro vuelo?...cancelado.sin vuelos a lOndres cambiamos los tickets para Bruselas y nos fuimos ahi. llegamos, tomamaos taxi con una pareja de ingleses y fuimos a la estacion de colectivos para tomar uno hacia londres. bajo la lluvia , llegamos a tiempo. El colectivo estaba lleno de boy scouts, no habia lugar. Nomas colectivos hasta el otro dia a la noche. Tomamos el subte hasta la estacion de tren y compramos tickets para Londres, saliendo por la mañana. Fuimos a bares de mala muerte, nos pusimos en pedo y comimos pizza y ravioles, dormimos solo 40 minutos en la estacion. Tomamos el tren a las 7....camino a Londres....

Jerry's 60's b-day Croatia-Italy/ 60 de Jerry-Croacia e Italia

We celebrate Jerry's b day at Croatia, we went to beautiful towns such as Dubrovnik, Split, Korchula Island and other that I can't recalled. We stayed at an old villa full of bugs and a weird "bell" sound that appeared only at night and we still couldn't figure it out what was. historians says that maybe it's jesse's Treo/Cell. We ate fish, swam, felt on the stairs and have a lot of sun. Jerry's b day was great, in family. Then we were off to Venice, we stayed at a palace, we walked so much. We had a Gondola ride and eat amazing food too. We went to San Marco cathedral, a concert (Vivaldi).Our palace was a palace!...Duncan was with us and he was speaking italian already.***** Celebramos los 60 de Jerry en Craocia, fuimos a diferentes islas, Split, Korchula y Dubrovnik. Tomamos sol en las playas que son hermosas y ahi perdi mi anillo de casamiento, quedo en el mar adriatico.Comimos frutos de mar mas no poder. Luego fuimos a Venecia, recorrimos los canales, Catedral de San Marco, pasemos en Gondola y habia un festival de musica. Fuimos a un concierto donde tocaron las 4 estaciones de Vivaldi. Duncan estuvo con nosotros todo el tiempo y ya empezo a hablar en italiano.

Serbia ( Belgrade-Novi Sad)

We escaped to Serbia, for 3 days, we traveled for 8 hours to Belgrade to see Laurie Anderson's concert. It was fantastic, we saw her after the concert and it was a surprise for her to see us there, NY-Big Sur...Belgrade?....The concert was amazing, Belgrade has a huge night life. Then we went to Novi Sad, Lidia was our host and it was really cool. We went to the beach and saw a lot of bombed buildings by NATO still untouched. Also in Belgrade there was a memorial for the victims of Milosevic's dictatorship (thousands of muslims died, including women and children on july 1995)*****Nos escampamos a Serbia, primero fuimos a la capital: belgrado. Vimos el recital de Laurie Anderson y hablamos con ella despues del recital. Se sorprendio de vernos ahi, eramos uno d elos pocos que ella conocia, nos reimos un rato y de ahi nos fuimos a Novi Sad. Esa noche habia un acto por los miles de muslulmanes que murieron en manos del dictador de Serbia (Slobodan Milosevic), niños, mujeres...extermino villas enteras en julio de 1995.

Prague - Praga

Hey....we visited Prague for few days, we went with Sara and we walked all over the city. We got lost several times and got moody but it was fun! We met with Karol and Sofia and have a nice lunch , crashed at Lenka's and experienced hookah and teahouse and no more no less we had an itimmate concert with Tomas at a park next to Charles Bridge.Duncan walked everything and was such a good boy*******Visitamos Praga, capital de la republica Checa por uos dias. Llevamos a Sara y la dejamos ahi por unas semanas. Paramos en lo de Lenka y fuimos a una casa de te y fumamos hooka. Luego, visitamos a nuestros amigos Sofia y Karol, que fueron visitados por Salman Rushdie unos meses atras y nos llevaron a comer y recorrimos los jardines donde esta la galeria/arte/espacio de ellos. Tuvimos un recital de guitarra, gracias a Tomas en un parque, al lado del Puente Charles. Duncan se camino todoy se porto de 10.


Austria!...we went there before Prague and spent the day. We went with Celeste , Mimi & Jerry, we have some nice lunch and we went to a butterfly conservatory. A funny fact is that they were from South America, exotic...uh?!...we grew up with those butterflies damn it!!... Celeste and I were laughing since we saw those bugs every morning of our lives. We tried to get to Mozart's grave but we couldn't find it.We also met with Ferenc and Co.****Me olvide completamente de que fuimos a Austria. Estuvimos con Celeste, que se reunio con sus superfriends. Almorzamos en un lugar italiano, vimos el museo de Sisi la emperatriz....desde afuera, y fuimos a ver mariposas exoticas. Las mariposas resultaron ser se sudamerica, de argentina as que nada, y nos reimos con la cele ya que son las que estan el el techo o en el patio de la casa, estabamos re calientes porque no nos dieron descuento estudiante. Mariposonas.!!!! Nos matamos tratando de encontrar la tumba de mozart, pero no la encontramos, hacia mucho calor!!